weycor-distributors: Europe
Number per page
Griset Materiel

2 rue Marius Berliet
69720 Saint Bonnet de Mure

Phone: 0033 472 488 139

Gurtner Baumaschinen AG

Deisrütistraße 17
CH-8472 Ohringen

Phone: 0041 - 523200666
Fax: 0041 - 523200667

Huppenkothen GmbH

Bundesstraße 117
6923 Lauterach

Phone: +43 5574 785 30

Inovex Construction Equipment EOOD

316 Botevgradsko Shose Blvd.
1839 Sofia

Phone: 00359 - 2841 1100
Fax: 00359 - 28411101

Inter-Techno b. v.

Paramariboweg 46, Postbus 123
7333 PB Apeldoorn

Phone: 0031 - 555425333
Fax: 0031 - 555426399

Korbanek Sp. z.o.o

ul. Poznańska 159
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne

Phone: 0048 61 8950 300
Fax: 0048 61 8950 309

Lager Basic d.o.o.


Phone: +385 1 5560 980
Fax: +385 1 5560 983

LAGER d.o.o.

88240 Posusje

Phone: 00387 - 39682333
Fax: 00387 - 39682336

Lager d.o.o.

Raduska 5
1060 Skopje

Phone: 00389 - 22044341
Fax: 00381 - 22044342

LEM Equipment

ZA Le Clair de Lune
44360 Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc

Phone: 02 40 86 85 77

About weycor

For over 50 years, weycor by Atlas Weyhausen GmbH from Wildeshausen has been developing, building and selling wheeled loaders, tandem rollers and single-drum compactors – construction machines for the use in main construction trades, agriculture, gardening and landscaping, materials handling, recycling and also for local councils.


Atlas Weyhausen GmbH
Visbeker Straße 35
D-27793 Wildeshausen

+49 (0) 44 31 / 981-0

+49 (0) 44 31 / 981-139

©2025 Atlas Weyhausen GmbH