Company Data
company details
address data
Facts and figgures
Product liability insurance
Contact Person
Mandatory field Name*
Key Account
Sales Support
Technical management
Quality Control
Financial data
Finances current year
Finances last year
Finance penultimate year
Customer reference TOP 1
Customer reference TOP 2
Customer reference TOP 3
Customer reference TOP 4
Customer reference TOP 5
Production, technology, logistics
Which products do you offer?
Which material group do you want to apply for?Please check at least one material group!
Automotive supplier directly
What kind of production are you specialized in?
In how many layers do you produce and how high is your utilization?
Which surface protection options do you or your partners have??
Do you have experience with ERP?
Do you have an ERP system?
How many customers / suppliers have you connected digitally to your ERP system?
Are you familiar with the handling of scheduling agreements?
Which logistics options do you offer?
consignment stores
Polling / buffer storage
Is there a demand / buffer warehouse for finished products?
How long is the average delivery time of the products we need?
Which fixation horizons (1 to 3) do you normally use?
Quality System
Do you have a QM manual?
Do you periodically and systematically check your QM system through internal audits?
Do you have an ISO 9001: 2000 certificate?
Do you have an 16949 certificate?
Do you have an ISO 14001 certificate?
Do you have other certificates?
In which areas do you perform a quality control?
Are all results and test plans documented and made available to us if necessary?
Are external audits carried out at the supplier?
Are you prepared to grant us, as part of an audit, access to the areas in which our products are manufactured, tested and stored?
Are the test equipment periodically and systematically monitored?
How high is your dysfunction quote?
Substances Ordinance
Which of the following substance ordinances are the products you supply subject to?
RoHS - Directive 2011/65/EU
RREACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
ChemVerbotsV - Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance
POP - Regulation (EC) No 2019/1021
Packaging and packaging waste directive - Directive 94/62/EC
California Proposition 65
TSCA - Toxic Substance Control Ac
Are the requirements of the applicable substance ordinances fully complied with by your products?
Is it ensured that all obligations ("reporting obligation", "information obligation", etc.) regarding the ingredients of the above-mentioned ordinances are complied with?
Conflict minerals
Is your company subject to EU Regulation 2017/821?
Are your businesses subject to the Dodd-Frank Act?
Can you confirm a DRC conflict-free status for the products supplied to us in accordance with EU Regulation 2017/821?
I have read the Protection of Data Privacy statement and agree to the processing of my personal data.